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Baarlo 2023 -
Pursuing Christ for the Fullest Experience and Enjoyment of Christ
Gaining Christ - the Goal of the Believers' Pursuit of Christ
Being Found in Christ, Knowing Christ, and Pursuing Christ
Knowing Christ and the Power of His Resurrection
Knowing the Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings, Being Conformed to His death, and Attaing the Out-resurrection
Baarlo 2022 -
Growing in Life from Transformation to Maturation
Jacob Representing a Life of Transformation
The Meaning of Maturity
The Process of Maturity
The Lord's Awaiting Our Growth in Life unto Maturity So That the Bride Will Make Herself Ready
01 ENG / NED
02 ENG / NED
03 ENG / NED
04 ENG / NED
Baarlo 2021 -
Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God
Living under the Direct Rule of God by the Intuition of Our Spirit according to the Sense of Life
Transferred out of Darkness into Light to Live in the Kingdom of God as the Shining of the Reality of the Lord Jesus
Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species
The Kingdom and the Church
Memorial Day Conference 2021 -
Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth
and Proclaiming the Truth in the Present Evil Age
Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth and for Upholding the Absoluteness of the Truth, and Testifying to the Truth in the Present Age of the World
Being Sanctified by the Truth to Move out of Ourselves and into the Triune God for the Genuine Oneness
Being Constituted with the Truth and Being Absolute for the Way of the Truth and the Propagation of the Truth for the Consummation of the Divine Economy
The Recovery of the Subjective Truths in the Gospel of John
Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth That the Church Is the Pillar and Base of the Truth and the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh
Knowing and Spreading the Up-to-date Truth of the Highest Gospel of God’s Eternal Economy according to the Ministry of the Age
London International Blending Conference 2021 -
Noah, Daniel, and Job - Patterns of Living an Overcoming Life
on the Line of Life to Fulfill the Economy of God
Living and Working according to the Vision of the Age to Change the Age
Noah—the Life and Work That Can Change the Age
The Victory of the Overcomers Seen with Daniel and His Companions
God's Intention with Job
Baarlo 2020 -
Being Intensified by the Seven Spirits Before the Throne of God
to Carry Out the Divine Administration and to Consummate the Divine Economy
Christ, the Worthy Lion-Lamb Enthroned to Carry Out the Divine Administration by the Seven Spirits of God
Experiencing the Seven Spirits of God as the Seven Lamps of Fire for God’s Move and
as the Seven Eyes of the Lamb for God’s Administration
Being Intensified by the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit to Conquer the Satanic Chaos and
Overcome the Attack of Death
Experiencing the Seven Spirits of God for God’s Building
Baarlo 2019 -
God's Eternal Purpose Fullfilled and
the Divine Economy Consummated
by the Overcomers in the Recovered Church
Gods Eternal Purpose
The Overcoming Christ Producing Overcomers in the Recovered Church to Consummate the Divine Economy
The Preeminence of Christ in God's Economy and in Our Personal Universe
Experiencing Christ in the Recovered Church and Becoming a Pillar in the Temple of God
Being Constituted with the Processed and Consummated Triune God and Becoming the New Jerusalem
Brussel 2019 -
Man in God's Eternal Plan
The Definition of the Economy of God and the Parts of Man
God's Full Salvation
The Church
The Degration of the Church and the Lord's Recovery - Part 1
The Degration of the Church and the Lord's Recovery - Part 2
Baarlo 2018 -
The Living of the One New Man
The Vision of the One New Man
Taking Christ as Our Person for the One New Man
The Two Prayers of Paul in Ephesians
Growing Up into Christ in All Things and Learning Christ as the Reality Is in Jesus for the Corporate Living of the One New Man
Putting Off the Old Man and Putting On the New Man
Baarlo 2016 -
The Reproduction of Christ
for the Corporate Expression of the Triune God
Experiencing Christ as the Burnt Offering and Being Renewed in the Spirit of the Mind that We May Be Filled with the Full Knowledge of God's Will and Understand What the Will of the Lord is
Becoming the Reproduction of Christ for the Corporate Expression of the Triune God
The Reproduction of Christ for the Corporate Expression of the Triune God as Revealed in Romans
The Reproduction of Christ for the Corporate Expression of the Triune God as Revealed in Song of Songs
The Reproduction of Christ for the Corporate Expression of the Triune God as Seen in the Book of Revelation
Baarlo 2015 -
Being Delivered from the Present Evil Age and
Experiencing the Consummated Spirit
for the Reality of the Body of Christ
Being Delivered from the Present Evil Age (1) - The Lord's Recovery versus the Present Evil Age
Being Delivered from the Present Evil Age (2) - Rescued from Deformed and Degraded Christianity to Accomplish the Will of God to Have the Church as the Body of Christ
Experiencing the Consummated Spirit (1) - The Revelation of the Consummated Spirit
Experiencing the Consummated Spirit (2) - The Breath of the Resurrected Christ and the Divine and Mystical Realm
The Reality of the Body of Christ
Baarlo 2014 -
The Divine Reality
Knowing the Divine Reality (1) The Triune God and His Word
Knowing the Divine Reality (2) Being in the True One
Experiencing the Divine Reality
Being Constituted with the Divine Reality
Living in the Divine Reality - Truth Sanctifying for Oneness
Baarlo 2013 -
Ezekiel's Vision of the Lord's Recovery
Ezekiel 1 - an Unveiling of God's Heart and Purpose
God's Recovery by Life through His Shepherding
The Inward Recovery by Life for the Carrying Out of God's Economy
The Breath of Life Coming into the Dry Bones to Accomplish God's Economy
Seeing the Vision of the Holy Building of God
Baarlo 2012 -
The One New Man
The One New Man and God's Eternal Purpose
The One New Man and the Lord's Recovery
The Constitution of the One New Man
Taking Christ as our Person to Live the Life of the New Man
Practicing the Church Life in the Consciousness of the One New Man
Baarlo 2010 -
Knowing the Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ
The Lord’s Urgent Need of the Body of Christ
The Body of Christ - the Issue of the Crystallized Significance of Christ’s Incarnation, Human Living, Crucifixion, and Resurrection
The Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ (1) One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism
The Crystallized Significance of the Body of Christ (2) One God and Father of All
Oneness and the Cross